Active Directory Domain Services setup

Setup Windows Active Directory Domain Services with PowerShell and Desired State Configuration

This post is about setting up Windows iSCSI Target File Server by making use of Powershell and Desired State Configuration, for home lab purposes.


  • - contains the code used to provision the VM’s on the hypervisor layer
  • The VM clipboard does not work over the XCP-ng console.



1. Active Directory Domain Services

It deploys Active Directory Domain Services - Primary and Secondary Domain Controller VM.
XCPng-scenario-HomeLab - Github code

1.1. VM provisioning - ADDS

Run in (XCP-ng terminal over SSH).

# First domain controller - server core
/opt/scripts/ --VmName 'c1_dc01' --VCpu 4 --CoresPerSocket 2 --MemoryGB 2 --DiskGB 32 --ActivationExpiration 180 --TemplateName 'Windows Server 2022 (64-bit)' --IsoName 'w2k22dtc_2302_core_untd_nprmt_uefi.iso' --IsoSRName 'node4_nfs' --NetworkName 'eth1 - VLAN1342 untagged - up' --Mac '2A:47:41:C1:00:01' --StorageName 'node4_ssd_sdd' --VmDescription 'w2k22_dc01_ADDS_core'

# Second domain controller - server core
/opt/scripts/ --VmName 'c1_dc02' --VCpu 4 --CoresPerSocket 2 --MemoryGB 2 --DiskGB 32 --ActivationExpiration 180 --TemplateName 'Windows Server 2022 (64-bit)' --IsoName 'w2k22dtc_2302_core_untd_nprmt_uefi.iso' --IsoSRName 'node4_nfs' --NetworkName 'eth1 - VLAN1342 untagged - up' --Mac '2A:47:41:C1:00:02' --StorageName 'node4_ssd_sde' --VmDescription 'w2k22_dc02_ADDS_core'

At this point:

  • VM is already installed.
  • It is assumed, that the Citrix VMTools ISO is available in the ISO SR.

1.1.2. VMTools installation - ADDS

Run in (XCP-ng terminal over SSH).

# it works - provided there is only one iso on SR with such name
# .iso should be available in following location: 
# /var/opt/xen/ISO_Store      - custom local iso storage created during the XCPng setup
# /opt/xensource/packages/iso - default iso storage with XCPng tools
xe vm-cd-eject vm='c1_dc01'
xe vm-cd-insert vm='c1_dc01' cd-name='Citrix_Hypervisor_821_tools.iso'
# repeat the steps on second domain controller
xe vm-cd-eject vm='c1_dc02'
xe vm-cd-insert vm='c1_dc02' cd-name='Citrix_Hypervisor_821_tools.iso'

1.1.3. VM initial configuration

Run run_InitialSetup.ps1 in the elevated powershell session (VM).
When asked, put the dc01 for the first domain controller, and dc02 for the second

It goes through initial configuration of the VM.

  • it install VM tools
  • it downloads the AutomateLab module
  • it downloads the AutomatedXCPng module
  • it sets registry key as per CTX222533
  • it sets the powershell execution policy
  • it configures WinMR
  • it set the power plan - high performance
  • it renames the VM
  • it reboots the VM

Eject VMTools installation media. Run bash code (XCP-ng terminal over SSH)

xe vm-cd-eject vm='c1_dc01'
xe vm-cd-eject vm='c1_dc02'


  • login to the VM via XenOrchestra Console window, or any other way you have handy, and get it’s IP address
  • alternatively if you have a reservation for the mac address on your DHCP server, get the IP from there
  • XenServer on the CLI does not have a chance to get to know the IP, as there are no VMTools installed yet

1.1.3. Role setup - ADDS - first domain controller

Run run_ADDS.ps1 in the elevated powershell session (VM).
It deploys the Active Directory Role.

  • Login back to VM, run the code in elevated powershell session.
  • When the AD deployment is finished, proceed with the same steps on the second VM.

1.1.4. Role setup - ADDS - second domain controller

Run run_ADDS.ps1 in the elevated powershell session (VM).

It adds second VM to the existing Active Directory domain, which consists of one domain controller, so far.

  • Login to the VM, run the code in elevated powershell session.
  • When the subsequent domain controller is added to the domain, continue with the initial ADDS, DNS configuration

1.1.5. Initial Configuration - ADDS

It’s time for the Active Directory configuration (DNS, OU’s, various objects).
Run run_adds_initialconfig.ps1 in elevated PowerShell session, on the first domain controller. (it will be replicated across domain controllers, without your intervention).

#Start-Process PowerShell -Verb RunAs
# run in elevated PowerShell session
Set-Location -Path "$env:USERPROFILE\Documents"

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '' -OutFile "$env:USERPROFILE\Documents\ADDS_CarlWebster_initialConfig.ps1" -Verbose

#psedit "$env:USERPROFILE\Documents\ADDS_CarlWebster_initialConfig.ps1"

# it launches the process of SQL installation

What does the code do:

  • It enables Recycle Bin
  • It setup the password and lockout policy
  • It setup Sites
  • It configures DNS scavenging and forwarders

1.1.6. Initial Logical Structure - ADDS

Run the code, on first domain controller: run_adds_structure.ps1

  • It setup the AD structure (OU, groups, users)

1.1.7. Further steps - add existing VM to the domain

Now the management node which has been prepared in earlier blog post , can be added to the existing domain.
Run run_initialConfigDsc_domain.ps1 in the elevated powershell session (VM).

#Start-Process PowerShell -Verb RunAs
$domainName = 'lab.local'  #FIXME
Set-InitialConfigDsc -NewComputerName $env:computername -Option Domain -DomainName $domainName -Verbose

1.1.8. Troubleshoot - ADDS

Those type of issues are much easier to troubleshoot on Windows Server with Desktop Experience. Never the less here are some paths where the code is stored

psedit "$env:USERPROFILE\Documents\ActiveDirectory_demo.ps1"
psedit "$env:USERPROFILE\Documents\ADDS_setup.ps1"
psedit C:\dsc\config\localhost\ActiveDirectory\ADDS_configuration.ps1

That’s it for the Active Directory Domain Services. At this point you can add your VM’s to the domain. It should work provided your network and DNS configurations are correct.


It was tested on:

  • Server 2022 (21H2 - 20348.1547) - Core & Desktop Experience

Last update: 2024.08.14

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